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Stapleford & District Local History Society
Preserving the heritage of the Stapleford Area since 1995
By the society...
All are available at the meetings. We also publish a regular newsletter which enables us to explore in some depth our local history, this is published twice yearly and is free to members (£1.00 to non-members).
By Nigel Brooks, published May 2014.
Edited by Barbara Brooke, Nigel Brooks and Alan Clayton, published March 2005.
By Nigel Brooks
By Nigel Brooks
Text by Barbara Brooke and Brian Clark, Illustrations by Nigel Brooks and Jack Vernon
Edited by Barbara Brooke & Nigel Brooks, published April 2000.
By Nigel Brooks
Other resources on Stapleford...
By PC Malcolm Jarvis, published 1996
By Ralph Penniston Taylor, published January 1984
(Yesterday's Nottinghamshire) By David Ottewell, published 1997
By George Miller, published July 1994
St. Luke's School, Stapleford (Moorbridge Lane) Compiled by Rev. Canon Joan Whysall, published July 2017